About Us

History and philosophy
The European Association of the Civil Commerce of Weapons (AECAC) was founded in 1992 and it is formed from numerous national associations representing the interests of gun and hunting small- and medium-sized enterprises and specialized shops from all over Europe.
AECAC has its seat in Brussels (Rue F. Pelletier 81) and is duly registered as a non-profit association according to Belgian Law.
Since its foundation, AECAC has actively participated in all the procedures of the European Commission policies in which gun trading is involved.
AECAC is currently the only representative at a European level of the gun trading retailers, in this capacity AECAC is being considered as a reputable stakeholder before all European Institutions.
Our principle target is to lower barriers that exist in the sector to small and medium-sized enterprises who are involved in gun and hunting trading. By supporting the free market we aim to enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of the European companies.
The EU has grown, reinforcing the role that the European institutions such as the European Commission play in order to create and change rules on a Europe-wide basis.
We cannot be complacent about these changes and we have to be proactive. We need to be strong, not only within our individual national borders but also internationally.
We need to be powerful in Europe and we must achieve an influential position. In our modern economical system we can only be respected if we are united and well organized.
AECAC’s official seat is in Brussels, Rue F. Pelletier 82, B-1030.
The Secretariat is currently based in Barcelona (Spain):
Plaza Bonanova 4, 1º-1ª, Barcelona 08022, Spain.
The position of AECAC president is currently held by Mr. Yves GOLLETY, who also currently holds the position of President of the French association of Gun Retailers “Chambre Syndicale Nationale des Armuriers”
The position of AECAC’s Vice-President is held by Mr. Helmut KREMSER, member of the Board of the German Gun retailers association, “Verband Deutscher Büchsenmacher und Waffenfachhändler e.V.”
The Secretary-General is Mr. Víctor FABREGAT, Secretary-General of the Spanish gun retailers association “Asociación de Armerías ACACE”.
Let Our Experience Be Your Guide

Austria | Bundesinnung der Metalltechniker | Martin KRUSCHITZ | Schaumburgergasse 20/4 1040 Wien |
T:+43 1 505 6950126 F:+43 1 25330339320 |
kohl@bigr2.at www.metalltechnik.at |
Austria | (Non voting member) IWÖ - Interessengemeinschaft Liberales Waffenrecht in Österreich |
Dr. Hermann GERIG | Postfach 108 A-1051 Wien |
iwoe@iwoe.at www.iwoe.at |
Belgium | Wapenunie – Union armes | Daniel BEETS President |
www.unionarmes.be | ||
Nico DEMEYERE Secretary |
info@wapenunie.be www.wapenunie.be |
Cyprus | Cyprus Gundealers Association | Pambos HERACLIDES President |
Pindarou Str. 23 1060 Nicosia |
Tel:+357 22762301 Fax:+357 22762160 |
Aggelos PITSILLIDES Secretary |
Denmark | Danske Vabenhandlerere | François PARBST Vice-President |
41, Borsholmvej 3000 Helsingor |
Tel:+45 49765400 Fax:+45 49765420 |
michael@parbst.dk |
Finland | Asekauppiaiden Liitto ry | Timo HUIKKALA President |
PO BOX: PL 76 POST: 00101 Helsinki |
Tel:+358 407079922 Fax:+358 406611050 |
toimisto@asekauppiaat.fi www.asekauppiaat.fi |
France | Chambre Syndicale Nationale des Armuriers | Yves GOLLETY President |
37, Rue Vivienne 75002 Paris |
Tel:+33 142367983 Fax:+33 142361801 |
chambre.syndicale@armuriers.com info@armureriedelabourse.com www.syndicat-armuriers.com |
Germany | Verband Deutscher Büchsenmacher und Waffenfachhändler e.V. | Jürgen TRIEBEL President |
Ingo MEINHARD Geschäftsführer |
Gisselberger Str. 10 35037 Marburg |
Tel:+49 6421161353 Fax:+49 642122312 |
www.vdb-waffen.de info@vdb-waffen.de |
Greece | Panhellenic Association of Handcraftmen & Profesionals of Hunting Items | Michael KIRGIAS | 7 Kratinou Street 105 51 Athens |
Tel:+30 2103224102 Fax:+30 2103224102 |
www.peveke.gr info@kirgias.gr thiva@nafpliotisgroup.gr info@kalkantzakos.com mpete@otenet.gr touris@otenet.gr peveke@otenet.gr |
Ireland | Irish Gun Dealers and S Chairmen Association | John BUTLER | Pepperstown, Ardee, Co. Louth |
Tel:+353 872040085 | johnbutler@ragriffinhawe.ie |
Tom KIRWAN Secretary |
John CARREYAN Chairman |
Kilkenny, 82 HighStr. |
Tel:+353 410562157 Fax:+353 4164068 |
Italy | ASSOARMIERI Associazione Commercianti Armi- Munizioni Caccia Pesca Sport | Antonio BANA President |
Tel:+39 303463461 Fax:+39 303463429 |
www.assoarmieri.it assoarmieri@assoarmieri.it ab@studiobana.it |
E.F. ADINOLFI Vice-President |
Via Brennero, 10 20052 Monza |
Tel:+39 392300745 Fax:+39 392300028 |
adinolfi@adinolfi.com | ||
Luxemburg | Association Luxembourgeoise des Armuriers et Négociants d'Armes | Paul FRAUENBERG | 2 Circuit de la Foire Internationale L-1347 Luxembourg Kirchberg |
Tel:+352 4245111 Fax:+352 424525 |
Frank LENTZ Secretary |
BP 1604 L-1016 Luxembourg |
f.lentz@fda.lu | |||
The Netherlands | Dutch Association of Weapon Dealers | Hans HOFFMAN President |
Stakenbergweg 60 8075 RA Elspeet |
Tel:+31 548512979 Fax:+31 577492210 |
www.wapenhandel.info secretariaat@wapenhandel.info |
Evert VAN RHEE Secretary |
Spain | A.C.A.C.E. Asociación de Armerías ACAE |
Agustín ALBERDI President |
www.acacearmerias.com v.fabregat@fabregat-perulles-sales.com armeriaalberdi@terra.com |
Víctor FABREGAT Secretary-General |
Plaza Bonanova 4, 1º-1ª E-08022 Barcelona |
Tel:+34 932054231 Tel:+34 630929881 Fax:+34 934189535 |
v.fabregat@fabregat-perulles-sales.com | ||
Sweden | Sveriges Vapenhandlareforening | Anders LINDSTROM Country Manager |
SAKO Sweden P.O. Box 421 59 126 16 Stockholm Sweden |
Tel:+46 87097881 Tel:+46 761132513 Fax:+46 87097889 |
anders.lindstrom@sako.se |