AECAC discusses political priorities at EU level

On November 30th, 2022 various member associations of the European Firearms Trade (AECAC) gathered for our end-of-year talks. The focus was on the political challenges of the upcoming year. The EU firearms regulation and the approaching ban on lead ammunition.
The virtual meeting was moderated by AECAC Secretary General Michael Blendinger. He summarized the annual activities of the AECAC and emphasized the currently difficult economic times. But not all associations signaled a reluctance to buy. France is very satisfied with the current year, but also complains about the lack of availability of the goods.
Yves Golléty, acting president of the AECAC, thanked his Secretary General for the good and successful work of the association. Many important new contacts were made in Brussels and the cooperation between the other international associations is also working well.
As a further positive signal, the AECAC was able to welcome a new association, the Danish Arms Trade Association. Board member Palle Skov Hansen introduced his association. It is important to speak with one voice in Brussels and to represent the interests of all member states.
Peter Brass, representative of the German Gunsmith and Gun Trade Association supported this but emphasized that there are still European arms trade associations that have not yet joined the AECAC. It is important to motivate them through convincing work to participate in the work of the association at European level. Because most laws are made in Brussels and even if the implementation of the member states differ everyone is always affected. The political expert and political advisor to the VDB, Peter Husen, spoke about current European issues, mainly the coming lead ban and the Firearms Regulation The revision of the firearms directive itself should probably only be tackled from 2025.
Several successful meetings have taken place in Brussels with Members of the European Parliament and representatives of other European Associations. The AECAC will meet again to exchange views on the upcoming reform of the Firearms Regulation.
The AECAC will continue to represent the interests of its members at EU level in 2023.
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